GOD IS NEAR (Psalm 145:18)
Welcome to the beginning of a new week and a month, a month of grace, mercy, joy, peace, favour, breakthrough, glad tidings, good success and goodly heritage in Jesus name. The theme for this month is GOD IS NEAR. Yes, God is beside, behind and ahead of us at all times and everywhere even when we sometimes feel that God is far away. The bible says “The LORD is nigh unto all them that call upon him, to all that call upon him in truth” (Psalm 145:18). This is the unchangeable word of God. This God is omnipresent, omniscience and omnipotent. He is the only one that creates and never forget or abandon what He creates. He is the only one who has the capacity to operate from the end of anything to its beginning and vice versa with outstanding success and accomplishment. Are you passing through any unpalatable situation and you think God is farther away rather than being near to rescue you? Are you stuck in not too good circumstance longer than expected and even there is no end in sight now thereby thinking God is not near? Are you at crossroads or in a state of confusion where you need God’s guidance instantly but not forthcoming thereby thinking that God is keeping you at arm’s length? Truly man is created as a dependent being hence you find yourself in a situation whereby you need help that only God could bring your way but the help is not forthcoming thereby concluding in your though that God is not near to help me. Brethren, God is near to us at all times. In most cases, we look far off to God for help whereas God is near unto us with the same help and in many situations with bigger and better help. This is what happened to Hagar who was looking for a bottle of water far off while God is very near to provide her with a well of water. “And God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water; and she went, and filled the bottle with water, and gave the lad drink” (Genesis 21:19). This is the situation with majority of us today who thinks and behaves as if God is not near therefore He does not feel our situation. It is a common thing to see people going to great extent with tenacity of purpose to search for the so called good things of life. This is not a bad idea except that it would cost them less effort and helping them with flourishing results only if we realize that all these things are with God. So if God is near to us, then, peace, joy, good health, meaningful spiritual growth, employment, academic and professional success will be near to us. I want to assure you that God is near, He is very close to you in your marriage, academics, spiritual life, business, career, your going out, your coming in, while sleeping, playing, eating, reading, praying, in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening and even at night. In our main text the bible says we should call upon him and that we should do this in truth. This is a call to purity, holiness and righteousness without hypocrisy and deceit. This is very fundamental to our accessing God who is very near us as says God is “a very present help in trouble” (Psalm 46:1). This is the beginning of a spring season, you will spring up and forth on all fronts and your sun will no more go down in Jesus name. Amen.
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Written by : Paul Omoyefa
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