PURITY (Mathew 5:8)
Welcome to the month of June, the concluding month for the first half of this year. The theme for this month is PURITY. This is the most fundamental issue in our Christian race. For it is difficult to live a life that pleases God without purity. Also, it is impossible to access all the blessings of God for your life without purity. Most importantly, heaven becomes a no go area for any believer without purity. Hence, Jesus Christ himself says “Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God” (Mathew 5:8). When we talk of purity, we mean something that is unadulterated, undiluted, unpolluted, untainted and undefiled. It is in line with this that the bible also talks about various forms of purity, namely, pure oil (Exod.20:27), pure gold (Rev. 21:21), pure wool (Daniel 7:9). pure words (Psalm 12:6), pure doctrine (Job 11:4), pure offering (Malachi 1:11) and a pure heart (Mathew 5:8). Our focus here is the pure heart. For without pure heart, there could never be holiness and righteousness. Whenever this is missing, it is impossible to see God (Hebrew 12:14b). The reason why purity of heart is very important is that heart is the fountain from which everything flows (Mathew 15:19). It is the seat of all desires, all affections, and all behaviors (Mathew 12:34-35) and it is the center of man’s being. Hence Prov. 4:23 advises us to keep our heart with all diligence. The psalmist also emphasises the importance of a pure heart (Psalm 24:3-5). For if the heart is impure or defiled or contaminated, it will be filled with unholy affections, unholy desires, unholy ambition, anger, pride, unkind temper,and passion. Consequently, we must walk uprightly in our heart (Ps. 15:2) especially if we want the meditation of our heart to be acceptable unto the lord. This what happened to Enoch who walked with God with his heart and not with his leg (Gen 5:22). The purity of heart is fundamental to our Christian living and our race to heaven. Purity should not be a seasonal, time-bound or environmentally controlled or situational-dictated thing. Rather, we must be conscious of it at all time, in every situation and on all issues. Also, it is essential to know that we cannot claim purity as we claim other gifts and neither could human training purify our heart. Furthermore, a mere wish cannot purify us nor could mere knowing the various versions of the bible do it. The requirement is a sincere seeking God’s face in prayer (Psalm 51:7 &10). This is achievable because God promises to circumcise our heart (Deut. 30:6) while He also promises us a new spirit (Ezekiel 36:25). As we consciously pray to God for a clean and pure heart, the almighty God will grant us the required grace to continually live a life filled with holiness, righteousness and purity of heart all the days of our life in Jesus name.This is the spring season; you will enjoy God’s blossoming on all fronts in Jesus name.
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Written by : Paul Omoyefa
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