GOOD SUCCESS (Joshua 1:8)

With heartfelt gratitude, great joy and immeasurable thanksgiving to the almighty God I welcome you to the month of September. I pray that you will enjoy boundless fruitfulness and good success this month and beyond in Jesus name. The theme for this month is GOOD SUCCESS. Upon the demise of Moses God instructed Joshua thus “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success” (Joshua 1:8).

As God does not use word trivially hence the use of good success for Joshua here is not accidental but intentional. It is important to point out that the word success is being used nowadays for different things and different situations which are not in line with the intention of God in our anchor scripture for this month.

The simple meaning of success is the act of setting a goal to achieve a target and one succeeds in achieving that goal. This reveals to us that one may achieve success without being a good success. For example one can set a target of destroying another man’s reputation and then succeed. This is a success to the man who sets the goal but this is not a good success. One may also set a target to defraud either an individual or a company and succeed in doing so, this is a success but not a good success. One could also decide to cheat a system to benefit him at the expense of others if he succeeds in doing this, this is a success but not a good success. This naturally serves as the basis for the various erroneous notions of success that we are celebrating globally today. In the contemporary era a person who defrauds a system to get to the top is celebrated as a success. A student who cheats in an exam, without being caught, to get good grade is celebrated as a success. An armed robber who kills and maims to survive without being caught is declared a success. Even pastors or the so called men of God whose stock in trade is mixing occultism with the name of Jesus Christ to preach the gospel, making prophetic declaration, seeing vision and performing miracles, are being celebrated as great success. No matter the level of followership they have, the amount of money in their bank account and momentous publicity this is not a good success that pleases God and fire of God will consume all the so called success in a jiffy one day. In another breath, it is not a good success for you to prosper today and turn to a poor man tomorrow. It is not a good success for you to get promoted today and get demoted in no distant future.

It is not a good success for you to be delivered of a sickness today and to enjoy a relapse of the sickness another day. It is not a good success to achieve victory today and suffer another defeat tomorrow over the same issue. So good success is a success that is permanent, untainted, absolute, sustaining, preserving, pure, comes from God and sustained by the word of God. So, to have this type of success, the book of law shall not depart from your mouth so you should not replace bible with Christian literatures or movies, you shall continually meditate on the word day and night so you should invest time in studying the word of God and not social media, you must observe and put into practice what the word of God says as Jesus Christ began to do before he began to teach (Acts 1:1).

Following these principles, God will make your way prosperous and you will have good success as also confirmed in Psalm 1:2-3. It is God’s declaration for you to have good success, you will definitely access the blessings connected to it in Jesus name. I declare an end to all contending forces in your areas of your life and you will swim in abundance of God’s blessings in Jesus name. Amen.

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Written by : Paul Omoyefa

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