Welcome to the month of July, the first day of the month, the first day of a quarter and the first day of the second half of the year. I congratulate you for passing through the first half of this year successfully. To the glory of God alone, the first half of the year has been full of manifestation of God’s faithfulness in the life of individuals, families and the church as a whole. It is a cherished faithfulness that covers all aspects of our lives and it is ever present in all situations. This is never taken for granted. Meanwhile, I have unmovable faith in the almighty God that our experience in the second half of the year will be far greater, richer, deeper and larger than that of the first half of this year. For the bible says that the glory the latter house will be greater than the former (Haggai 2:9). To this end, I pray earnestly for you that the second half of this year will be more blessed, glorious and positively impactful for you, your family and the church than the first half of the year in Jesus name. Also, you will witness more of it in the land of living with good health and sound mind in Jesus name. The theme of the month is UNSHAKEABLE FAITH. For the Scriptures tell us, “Abraham believed God, and God counted him as righteous because of his faith.” Romans 4:3(NLT). Bible talks about faith in various forms both in the Old Testament and the New Testament but I am personally touched by the practical faith demonstrated by Abraham, who incidentally, is being regarded as the father of faith till today by Christians. Abraham’s demonstration of faith was unprecedented as there was no precedent to serve both as examples and encouragement to him yet he exercised unshakeable faith. In Genesis 22:1-3, God gave specific and detailed instructions with so much far-reaching unpalatable consequences to Abraham and without questioning or wavering, Abraham obeyed God. This is a typical example of unshakeable faith. What is faith? Simply put, it is the heart trusting God for who He is.

Abraham believed God, and God counted him as righteous because of his faith.

Romans 4:3(NLT)

Faith involves trusting in what God said in the face of what God has not done yet. Faith does not show you the staircase but the next step to take in the staircase. Faith is moving forward without concrete facts supporting your movement. Faith is the courage to move forward in the midst of your fear. Faith goes beyond the power of reason and it involves a substantial walk with God with evidential trust and commitment to Him. (Hebrews 11:8). As a result of this, your faith must be alive and it requires elastic patience to grow, increase and sustain it. Noah also demonstrated this when he had to wait for complete 100 years between God’s informing him about the ark and the instructions to start building the ark (Gen 5:32, 6:13-14. Gen 7:6). Remember faith without love is meaningless. Faith works through love. Galatians 5:6 captures this vividly “For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision avails anything, nor uncircumcision; but faith which works by love”. Also, the bible says that without faith no man can please God (Hebrews 11:6). In essence, faith is required for you to walk with God. Your faith is increased by the genuine word of God and this word also purifies you of all filthiness. So when you claim to have faith but you lack holiness, you should check if the faith is actually a living faith because it will be difficult to have a living faith and at the same time wallowing in unholy acts. Holiness will engender and nurture your faith to the unquestionable level. Therefore, examine your faith within the wall of holiness so that you can see and please God.

July 1st is Canada Day and I wish all of you Happy 152nd Canada Independence anniversary. Also, as the church celebrates Children, Teenage and Women Weekends this month, let us endeavour to put Christ at the center of the programmes and God will be greatly glorified. You are a blessing in Jesus name.

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Written by : Paul Omoyefa

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