We often need people to lean on or complain to when we face challenges in the world, but the reality is that those we may depend on have personal challenges to resolve and may be unavailable to help when we truly need them.
A perfect friend is always available to support, defend, and sometimes get into “line of fire” to ensure your emotional, physical or spiritual safety. The question is, how many people in the world today meet these criteria in your life?
Are you experiencing challenges right now and it seems no one is there to help you out? Have you been disappointed? Are you feeling lonely or are evil thoughts of terminating your life resounding in your mind? The only Perfect Friend who will never be unavailable for any reason is Jesus Christ (Psalm 46:1, John 15:13).
Jesus Christ is right there to help you. Only call on Him right now and He will show up for your help. He gave His life for your sake on the Cross so you could be free from that challenge harassing you right now. Do not listen to that voice saying “it is not true”. if you believe in Jesus Christ and accept Him into your life right now, He will make all things new for you. In fact, He is calling out to you, saying “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28).
Invite Jesus Christ into your life right now with this prayer genuinely from your heart… “Lord Jesus, I call on You today for help, I accept you into my heart as my Lord and Saviour, please forgive my sins, wash me in your blood, break every yoke of the devil off my life and give me a brand new life of peace, joy and rest in Jesus Name, Amen”.
You made it! We celebrate your breakthrough today! Please attend any Bible-believing and Holy Spirit-filled church near you to be deeply rooted in the Word of God and experience joy unspeakable with all-round victories in Jesus’ Name, Amen. You can also connect with us on the details below. God bless you!
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Written by : Evangelism Team
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