I am grateful to God and I am excited to heartily welcome you to the month of September, the ninth month of the year. It is a month of great expectation, delivery, deliverance, fastrack accomplishments, uncommon breakthroughs and greater knowledge of God in Jesus’ name. The theme for this month is DIVINE EXPLOITS and our anchor scripture is Daniel 11:32 which says “And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits”.

And such as do wickedly against the covenant shall he corrupt by flatteries: but the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits

Daniel 11:32

Some things are clear from our anchor scripture. One, whoever goes against the covenant of God becomes a corrupted person and the result is the person being tossed around with the wind of flatteries. Second, divine exploits can only be achieved by those who know their God and not a strange god. So, the question is to what extent do you know your God? Before answering this question, you need to know the meaning of exploits and also answer the question who is your God? Exploits are avalanche of extraordinary achievements which are beyond human description but have every bit of supernatural touch. This is when God uses ordinary mortals to achieve extraordinary results hence it is divine exploits and this is your portion this month and beyond in Jesus’ name. The question to be answered next is who is your God? Because the bible says only those who know their God will do exploits. Are you serving the living God, the omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient or other gods? If money, position, career, house, car or status is your god then those ones cannot help you with divine exploits. However, if the genuine living God is your God then to what extent do you know Him. Do you know Him by experience or by literature or by what other people say about Him or by imagination or by His word or by revelation or you do not know Him at all? Think on these and ask yourself “where do I fit in all of these?” Remember Joseph knew His God hence he could not do anything grievous against that God. Daniel knew his God hence he would not spoil himself with the king’s meat. The three Hebrews knew their God hence their confidence in His ability to deliver them from the fiery furnace fire. Many other examples abound in the Bible with great exploits following.

You need to know this living God. The first step is to give your life to Jesus Christ, accept Jesus as your Lord and personal saviour. For it is only through Him that you can know God. If you are already a true child of God, continue steadfastly your relationship with Him, feed on His word daily and make out time to commune with Him regularly. With this, you are a candidate for divine exploits all the days of your life. Once more, happy new month with all blessings it brings.

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Written by : Paul Omoyefa

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