Welcome to November, the eleventh month of the year. Of a truth, our congregation never ceased to enjoy unending, unparalleled and unquantifiable blessings on all fronts and at all times. We bless God for this special grace upon His children. 

The theme for this month is CLOUD OF GLORY.  The scripture says “Then a cloud covered the tent of the congregation, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle” (Exodus 40:34). In another place, the scripture talks about the glory of God filling the Lord’s house to the extent that the priests could not even enter the house while the Israelites beheld the fire that came along the glory (2 Chronicles 7:1-3).  The cloud of God’s glory was also confirmed in Revelation in Revelation 15:8. In all these situations there is a noticeable common denominator with the cloud of God’s glory. First, it symbolizes God’s overwhelming presence. Second, it shows that before one could experience a cloud of God’s glory, it must be preceded by open heaven. Third, the cloud of God’s glory comes unto us with a weight of His glory which is meant to crush and send out all forms of challenges and afflictions in our lives (2 Corinthians 4:17). Fourth, there is a tripartite agreement between God’s glory, His presence and His grace. In essence, where there is God’s glory, there will be His presence accompanied by His everlasting saving and sustaining grace. Moses realized this hence his request for the combined portions of all of them in Exodus 33:12-18. Fifth when God’s cloud of glory descends upon you it brings to limelight your own God-given glory. For it is the absence of the cloud of glory that makes some people’s glory to be buried and turned to shame as David confirmed in Psalm 4:2. My prayer for you today is that all your buried glory will be resurrected and be made manifest in Jesus’ name. All attempts to turn your glory to shame by the power of darkness will fail in Jesus’ name. There is creative power in God’s cloud of glory as this manifested in Genesis 1:2-3. It is that creative power that created the moon, the sun and the star. It is not surprising then when the scripture talks about “one glory of the sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star differeth from another star in glory” (1 Corinthians 15:41). The implication of this is that your glory cannot be limited by location as these creatures of God operate beyond the limit of location. Also, since each of them has its own unique glory without affecting one another, your uniqueness cannot be affected by the glory of another person. 

Meanwhile, we could see from our various scriptural texts that an intense atmosphere of worship, sacrificial giving and sincere prayer create a conducive atmosphere for God’s cloud of glory. As a true child of God, I will urge you to intentionally and sincerely engage in all these three spiritual acts and you will experience a cloud of God’s glory like never before and your life will not remain the same. I pray for you that you will walk in the glory of God and God’s glory will build protection around you in Jesus’ name. Happy new month.

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Written by : Paul Omoyefa

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