Are you facing challenges in life despite your high level of knowledge, skills, and experience? Are you unhappy with your current situation of struggles and seeming defeats from an overcast of darkness? There is good news for you! The saving Power of the LORD Jesus Christ is available to completely destroy all forms of darkness and grant you liberty!
When you invite Jesus Christ, the Light of the World (John 8:12), into your life and situation, He will destroy the covering cast of darkness militating against your success (Isaiah 25:7), restoring hope and enabling your glory shine.
Psalm 29:5 makes it clear that the Voice of the LORD breaks the cedars of Lebanon (which represents strongholds of darkness that cause unpleasant situations) and your success is premised upon getting the LORD to speak into your situation to dispel darkness and introduce light which will distinguish you and your loved ones for good ( Exodus 8:22-23).
Take a courageous step of faith today to establish a relationship with the LORD Jesus Christ by inviting Him into your life to dispel darkness and be your light of life by saying this prayer genuinely from your heart… “Lord Jesus, I accept You today into my heart as my Lord and Saviour, please forgive my sins, wash me in Your Blood, transform my life, fill me with Your Holy Spirit and be the Light who dispels darkness off my life and destiny in Jesus Name, Amen!”
Congratulations, your Light has come! Welcome to the family of God! Please attend a Bible-believing and Holy Spirit-filled Church near you to learn of Jesus Christ, your Lord and Saviour, and be deeply rooted in Him through His Word and Holy Spirit. Feel free to connect with us using any of the contacts provided below. God Bless you!
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Written by : Evangelism Team
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