Abundant Help (1 Chronicles 12:22)
Great is the faithfulness of God who has brought us to the beginning of the ninth month of the year with His unfailing love. I heartily welcome you to the month of September where God’s help will not fail you in Jesus name. The theme for this month is ABUNDANT HELP. This is aptly captured in our anchor scripture for this month, which says “For at that time day by day there came to David to help him, until it was a great host, like the host of God” (1 Chronicles 12:22).

From the beginning, God has created every creature, especially human being as a dependent being who needs help in one way or the other. Hence He says “And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an HELP meet for him” (Genesis 2:18). My prayer is that you will not just receive help but you will get the one that is appropriate, suitable, and fit for your needs. The need for help is also illustrated in the ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ. Even though he was sent to this world with a divine mission, He still needs the help of John the Baptist not only as a forerunner but also as the person to baptise Him to set His ministry under open heavens. Also, Judas Iscariot, the Sadducees and the Pharisees, Pontius Pilate as well as the Joseph of Arimathea play significant roles in helping Jesus Christ to accomplish His divine mission on earth. My prayer is that you will come across and appreciate every help God brings your way for your divine accomplishment in Jesus name. The above two examples are indicative of the fact that every human being cannot be said to be independent of help. So when God declared unto us this month that help will come our way in abundance, it is more than ordinary.

Getting help is very important, getting that help in abundance is extraordinary. This is so because people need help in their spiritual life, in their marriage, in their finance, in their academic, regarding their health, in their relationship with others, in their career, in decision making and many other areas of life. The irony of the situation is that the help is not coming as needed and at times, we do not get the help all. This could be as a result of seeking help where there is none, or seeking help from wrong source or seeking help that are useless to your need. Some people even overcome these challenges but continually need help because the help they are getting is like a drop of water to the rivers of challenges facing them. The good news here is that abundant help is available for every challenge of your life in Jesus name. Going through the background to our anchor scripture, we would realize the avalanche of challenges facing David. They were so mounting that they could crush him. However, when God showed up for him, help was made abundant to him to the extent that help swallowed all his challenges not for a season but day by day. The implication of this is that his daily need of help was being met without any leftover. Also, no area of his life was left out without the required help needed. I join my faith with yours and I connect you to abundant help in all areas of your life and all the days of your life in Jesus name. Meanwhile, endeavour to stay away from sin, have absolute confidence in God, pray to Him always while you continuously praise Him. You will not be put to shame in Jesus name as every blessing comes your way.

Happy New Month.

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Written by : Paul Omoyefa

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