ALPHA AND OMEGA (Revelation 1: 8)

Welcome to the month of December, the concluding step for this year. Immeasurable appreciation to the Almighty God who made it possible for us to see both the first and the last month of this year.  The theme for this month is ALPHA AND OMEGA. The bible says “ I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty” (Revelations 1:8). This scripture is fully loaded with who is God, what He represents, what He can do and His overwhelming sovereignty over all creatures including human beings. First, He is the totality of the present, past, and future combined in one. He is the alpha and omega, the beginning and the ending, the first and the last.

In the Greek alphabet, the first letter is alpha while the last letter of the alphabet is omega. This fits to God calling Himself the beginning and the ending. Being the alpha and omega He encompasses the totality of our being. For the bible says “in Him we live and move and have our being” (Acts 17:28). Alpha and omega is bigger than space and time. He creates the space but operates outside the orbit of space. He creates time but He is not time-bound. Everything and everybody in the world operate within the framework of time and space. Since God is bigger than this then God is bigger than everything and everybody. The alpha and omega is described as the person “who is, who was and who is to come”. This arrangement does not follow the normal pattern as “who was, who is and who is to come”. This arrangement is not accidental but epitomising the true nature of God who is ever living present that can go into the past and into the future simultaneously and still remains who is. That is why He calls Himself “I am that I am”. He is the almighty which means “the one who holds all”.

Just as God is our alpha and omega, the beginning, and the ending, our Lord Jesus Christ is the author and finisher of our faith. Jesus Christ is the one who began the Christian faith and He is the one who completes it. Isaiah 44:6 confirms this and goes further to say “besides me, there is no God”. In the first chapter of Revelation, Jesus says I am the alpha and omega (Revelation 1:8) and he reiterates this in the last chapter of the book (Revelation 22:13). The declaration of Jesus here is in line with God’s declaration in Isaiah 41:4 “——-I the Lord, the first and with the last; I am he”. Revelation 1:17 also confirms him as the first and the last. He is at the beginning and he is at the end. Therefore He can see the end from the beginning and He can also see the beginning from the end. Colossians 1:16 -17 says in him, and through Him, all things were created. He even existed before the world exists. This confirms Him as the beginning. He will also be there at the end of the world. This confirms Him as the ending. He was there at the beginning of this year and He will also be there at the end of this year. He knows everything at the beginning of your plans, career, academic, marriage, movement, and relocation to your present location. He could see far off than the end of everything and the journey you would take to get to the end. He is strong enough, big enough, large enough, great enough, kind enough, gracious enough, loving enough and compassionate enough to guide you through the beginning to the ending. Every bit of your experience is to guide you to a good and pleasant ending. He declared unto Moses “I am that I am’ and he demonstrated this throughout the ministry of Moses. The same God is declaring to you today “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, ——— the Almighty”. Kindly allow him to demonstrate this in all areas of your life, trust in Him, praise Him and pray to Him and He will do so in Jesus name. A Happy new month and wishing you, in advance, a Christmas full of joy with abundant blessings from the Alpha and Omega Himself.

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Written by : Paul Omoyefa

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