Have you ever wondered why humans have the tendency to do evil? Why is it that evil seems to be prevalent in our societies? Why is the level of decay around us on the rise despite technological advancements and our increased insight of the world? These questions and many more have been of interest to many and we came to the conclusion that “sleep” is the problem.

Ephesians 5:14 says, “Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light”. Matthew 13:25 further says, “But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way”. The devil is always seeking opportunities to sow tares of sin into the hearts of those sleeping to spring evil. The continuous decay in our societies indicates that men and women are still asleep in sin. This sleep of sin could lead to eternal damnation if unchecked.

If you are still sleeping, Jesus Christ died to save us from damnation associated with this sleep of sin. Jesus Christ is the required illumination to stay awake and avert tares which could result in damnation (Revelation 21:8). When you awake from sin by accepting the finished work of Jesus Christ on the Cross, you begin to live, move and have your being in Him in righteousness, and that provides a defence against the devil’s tares-sowing campaign that aims at destroying precious lives (Acts 17:28, Matthew 13:25).

Jesus Christ is standing at the door of your heart and is knocking. If you’ll respond to His nudging in your heart, He will come in and dine with you (Revelation 3:20). He will bring healing into that broken heart, home, career, and make your life more meaningful as a result. Are you ready to accept Him into your heart? If yes, then say this guiding prayer genuinely from your heart… “Lord Jesus, thank you for dying on the cross to save me from the punishment of my sins. I repent of all my sins and I ask for forgiveness. I accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my life and fill my heart with your healing, light, righteousness, peace and joy in Jesus’ Name, Amen”.

Welcome to God’s family. Please attend a Bible-believing and Holy Spirit-filled Church near you to fellowship and grow in Faith. You can also connect with us at the details below. God bless and keep you awake in righteousness forever in Jesus’ Name, Amen!

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Written by : Evangelism Team

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