Welcome to the month of July. The first day of this month is significant in many ways, namely, it the first day of the week, the first day of the month, the first day of a quarter and the first day of the second half of the year. Also, by His mercy and divine direction the first day of our 21 days prayer and fasting. It is no gainsaying that the first half of the year has been full of manifestation of God’s faithfulness in the life of individuals, families and the church as a whole. Glory be to God that His faithfulness is upon us at all time. Meanwhile, I am of the firm belief that what we have experienced in the first half of this year is incomparable to greater things that await us in the second half of the year. This is confirmed in the bible that the glory the latter house will be greater than the former (Haggai 2:9). Hence I decree that the second half of this year will be more glorious for you, your family and the church than the first half of the year in Jesus name. Also, you will witness more of it in the land of living with good health and sound mind in Jesus name.
The theme of the month is DIVINE ESTABLISHMENT. The psalmist says in the Bible, “I waited patiently for the Lord, and he inclined unto me and heard my cry. He brought me up also out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay, and set my feet upon a rock, and established my goings” (Psalm 40:1-2). Our anchor scripture for this month is loaded with lots of lessons. First, God is the only one who has the full capacity and ability to establish us on all fronts hence the psalmist says God “established my goings”. Kindly take note that “goings” is plural which means God can establish us on all areas of our lives. Do you want God to establish you spiritually? Do you want Him to establish you in studying and meditating upon His words? Do you desire Him to establish you in genuine love for others? Do you want to be established in seeking the face of God relentlessly in prayers and fasting without being tired? Do you want God to establish you in your marriage? Do you want God to establish you in eternal dwelling in fruitfulness? Do you want God to establish you financially? Do you want Him to establish you academically and career-wise? Do you want Him to establish you in a permanent victory over sickness, disease, debt, failure, disappointment and all forces of darkness? All these can be achieved with God alone who knows your past, your present and the future. The second lesson from our anchor scripture is that God also has the capacity, ability and humanness to bring you out of any form of pit no matter how horrible and terrible it might. He brought Joseph out of horrible pit of death that his brother threw him into. He brought the widow of Zarephath out of horrible pit of debt. He brought the three Hebrew men out of horrible pit of persecution. He brought the woman with the issue of blood out of the horrible pit of disease and debt. He brought Hannah and Elizabeth out of horrible pit of barrenness. He brought Virgin Mary out of horrible pit of shame. He brought Jabez out of horrible pit of failed destiny. He brought out Mordecai out of horrible pit of perpetual servanthood and oppression. I decree into your life that God is bringing you out of any horrible pit you have found yourself in Jesus name. The third lesson is the undeniable fact about the miry clay. This is a clay of stagnancy, a clay of fruitless effort, a clay of movement without and advancement.
God will deliver you from this clay in Jesus name. Meanwhile, there two important conditions for divine establishment here. First, you must learn how to wait patiently for the Lord. This is waiting for His direction on all issues and your decisions with patience. The second is that you must be ready to cry to the Lord in place of intense prayers constantly. My prayer is that God will grant unto you special grace to fulfil these conditions in Jesus name. July 1st is Canada Day and I wish all of you Happy 151st Canada Independence anniversary. Also, as the church celebrates Children Weekend and Women Weekend this month, let us endeavour to put Christ at the center of the programmes and God will be greatly glorified. You are a blessing in Jesus name.
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Written by : Paul Omoyefa
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