Psalm 30:1

You are gladly welcome to the second month of our year of peace. The peace of God that passes all human understanding will continually be your portion in Jesus name. Our God is faithful at all the time as He has again started the year with us on a glorious note and this will be continuous throughout the year and beyond in Jesus name. The theme for this month is DIVINE LIFTING and our anchor scripture for this month is Psalm 30:1 which says “I will extol you, O LORD; for you have lifted me up, and have not made my foes to rejoice over me”. This scripture is prophetic as it declared that God has already lifted you up and all things or circumstances that represent enemies to your destiny had not been able to achieve any victory over you. What is required of you is to prayerfully and faithfully enter into this prophetic declaration as your victory over the power of darkness had been sealed by the almighty God. Are you wallowing in financial debts? God has lifted you out of them as He did for the widow of Zarephapth. Are you still experiencing issues with your health? God has lifted you out of sickness to sound health as He did for the woman with the issue of blood. Are you experiencing unnecessary failures in your academics and career progression? The omnipotent God has lifted you up out of failures to good success as He did for Peter. Are you poor and needy in any area of your life? Be assured that God has lifted you up out of that situation because the scripture says God “raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth the needy out of the dunghill” (Psalm 113:7). Have you lingered long in the doldrums of bareness? The miraculous God has lifted you up to fruitfulness as He did for Sarah, Hannah and Elizabeth in Jesus name.  Are you struggling with your spiritual life? God has lifted you up from the cage of spiritual dryness in Jesus name. Are you relegated into obscurity by any means and powers? Be confident that God has lifted you up into glorious limelight as He did for Mephibosheth. You should be greatly encouraged and convinced that it is the same God who did this for the people of the old that also did yours. You should also pay attention to a common denominator regarding the biblical cases mentioned above, which is their contact with the supernatural power of God. In essence, a genuine divine lifting can only happen with God’s involvement. Your experience, skills, expertise, connection with man, academic qualification or ministerial position cannot do it for you. It requires God’s sovereign and supernatural power to bring it to fruition. Hence, it is very important to jealously guard against anybody or anything that may want to cut off your intentional and personal relationship with God. Remember that man can even cast you down but God is always there for your lifting up (Job 22:29). So henceforth give your life to Christ if you are still a sinner, cultivate a close, personal and intentional relationship with God if you are a believer, rely wholly on God as your guide in all circumstances, pray to Him while you also praise Him always and nothing can stop your lifting in Jesus name. Happy new month.

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Written by : Paul Omoyefa

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