You are welcome to the beginning of the second quarter of the year of Standing on the Promises of God and the month of April, which God has declared as the month of DIVINE RESTORATION to us in Mount Zion parish. Our anchor scripture for this month is Joel 2: 25-26, which says “And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you. And ye shall eat in plenty, and be satisfied, and praise the name of the LORD your God, that hath dealt wondrously with you: and my people shall never be ashamed”. These verses are heavily loaded with spiritual revelations and unstoppable blessings. In simple terms, no matter the depth, breadth, length and height of your loss, God will restore everything unto you. No matter who and what could have been responsible for the loss, the almighty God will deliver you from their perverseness and give you replenishment without any trace of former loss. Restoration has various dimensions, namely, physical, spiritual, material and the like. For instance, Nebuchadnezzar was restored to his former exalted position after some years in the wilderness. David was also restored to his throne after some turbulent period. The man with a withered hand had his hands restored. The leper was restored without any trace of leprosy. Abundance was restored to Israel without any trace of want within 24 hours (2 Kings 7:1).  Fruitfulness and life were restored to the body of Sarah as well as Hannah. The sight of the blind Bartimaeus and the man born blind was restored. The lost glory of Mephibosheth was restored. The fortunes of Job were restored (Job 42:10). In all these, the greatest restoration is restoration to the right path to heaven if we have deviated by any act of omission or commission.  Is your joy of salvation lost, it will be restored (Psalm 51:12). Is there any way your soul has been ravaged by sickness, waste, unemployment, failure, disappointment, poverty, wants and the likes, the almighty God will restore your soul this month and beyond in Jesus’ name.

Furthermore, we will be celebrating Easter this month and the song in our mouths will be Halleluyah! Jesus is risen. His resurrection symbolises victory over death, victory over the expectations of enemies of His life and ministry, and victory over failure. Above all, it symbolizes the restoration of lost hope as well as the accomplishment of expectations. The women folks who went to the tomb where Jesus was buried had their hope restored. Hope and boldness were restored to His disciples through His resurrection. Also, His resurrection led to the release of extraordinary power to His disciples. As we celebrate His resurrection this month, we should remember that Jesus Christ was able to fulfil his purpose on earth because his total being embodies holiness.

Furthermore, He showed extraordinary love to all mankind and he followed peace with all men. As followers of Christ, we should emulate all these virtues in him so that his death and resurrection will not be in vain. Happy new month and happy easter in advance.

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Written by : Paul Omoyefa

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