You are welcome to the month of December and I heartily congratulate you for witnessing the last month of the year. You will definitely cross over to the New Year 2020 with joy, peace and God’s blessings in Jesus name. Truly, our church and members have enjoyed unquantifiable faithfulness of God on all fronts this year. To God be the glory. The theme for this month is DIVINE SAFETY. Our anchor scripture is Psalm 91. The first verse of Psalm 91 says “He that dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty”. This verse not only sets the tone for the great all-round protection embedded in this chapter but it also captures the essence of the chapter. In our contemporary era whenever anyone is in dire need of protection, rescue and safety from danger, the line to call is 911. Psalm 91:1 performs more than that divinely. This illustrates the fact that our God had created 911 in Psalms 91:1 before the contemporary 911 number. Also, the most important access code to God’s 911 is dwelling in His secret place and abide under His shadow at all time. What is so special about the secret place? It is a place where spiritual power is generated. It is a place of divine baking. It is a place of holiness where contamination and impurities are not allowed. The essence of the secret place is that if you dwell there, you would be delivered from the snare of the fowler, which represents hidden dangers in our life’s journey. Also, the plans and the strategies of Satan are revealed in the secret place. Furthermore, in the secret place, you will not be terrified by the terror by night, the arrow that flies by day, pestilence (all kinds of diseases in the world) in darkness and destruction at noonday (Psalms 91:5-6). This is a complete and total 24 hours safety from the lord. It covers the day, the night, noonday and even darkness. There is a personal and particular attention to your care and safety by God as espoused in Psalm 91:7, namely, “A thousand may fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you”.

“4 He shall cover thee with his feathers, and under his wings shalt thou trust: his truth shall be thy shield and buckler.
5 Thou shalt not be afraid for the terror by night; nor for the arrow that flieth by day;
6 Nor for the pestilence that walketh in darkness; nor for the destruction that wasteth at noonday.
7 A thousand shall fall at thy side, and ten thousand at thy right hand; but it shall not come nigh thee.”

Psalm 91: 4-7 KJV

So, this is an assurance that God never lose sight of you in particular even in the midst of over 7 billion people in the world. Also, because you are dwelling in the secret place of the Most High, no evil will befall you and neither any plague will come near your dwelling place (Psalm 91:10). To keep you perpetually safe God will give charge to His angels to keep watching over you and guard you in all your ways and preventing you from stumbling (Psalm 91:11-12). Because you are drawing strength from the secret place of the Most High, all things and circumstances that are meant to be poisonous to your well-being or devour you will become powerless (Psalm 91:13). This is why you cannot afford to be out of the secret place. That is why the bible talks about dwelling in that secret place and not paying occasional visit to the place.  This verse also talks about abiding under the shadow of the Almighty. This represents the continuous presence of God because a shadow cannot be separated from a person. Wherever you see the shadow of a person, surely the person is there. The total package of divine safety in Psalm 91 includes deliverance and honour (Psalm 91:15), as well as long life and salvation (Psalm 91:16). In simple term, divine safety guarantees you safety in all the hours of the day, all seasons of the year, in the midst of storm, in financial and marital mess, in academic and career crisis and spiritual forlorn. As you step into this new month, I declare a comprehensive divine safety unto you, your household and all things that belong to you in Jesus name. Happy new month and Merry Christmas in advance.

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Written by : Paul Omoyefa

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