Irrespective of your situation, there is surely hope for you if you accept the finished work of Jesus Christ on the Cross. Appropriating the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ reverses all negative situations (Revelation 12:11, Isaiah 53:4-5).
Why would you remain in that situation when the Blood of Jesus Christ is readily available for you to appropriate? There is no situation in life beyond redemption by the Power of the Blood of Jesus Christ. All you need to do is call on Jesus Christ right away in faith, accept Him into your life and begin to appropriate His Blood for your total victory.
Say this prayer genuinely from your heart… “Lord Jesus, I call on You today for help, I accept You into my heart as my Lord and Saviour, please forgive my sins, wash me in your Blood, break every yoke of the devil off my life by the Power in your Blood, and give me total victory in life in Jesus Name, Amen”.
Welcome to an Era of Possibilities and Total Victory! Please attend any Bible-believing and Holy Spirit-filled church near you to be deeply rooted in the Word of God to sustain your victories. Feel free to connect with us on the details below as well. God bless you!
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Written by : Evangelism Team
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