Welcome to the month of May. Congratulations, our church is 10 years old this month. It has been a journey aptly defined by the faithfulness of God.  The theme for this month is GOD IS NOT A MAN. The bible says “God is not a man that he should lie; neither the son of man that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?” (Numbers 23:19). God’s word for us this month is simple, a popular refrain in the mouth of many Christians but loaded with meanings than most Christians understand. It defines the whole scripture from Genesis to Revelation.

God is not a man hence he could create heaven and earth which man could not do. God is not a man hence He is not limited in wisdom, power and love as man is limited. God is not a man hence He does not get angry as man gets angry, God is elastic in His mercy while man is full of hatred and conditional show of mercy. God is not a man hence He keeps and fulfils all His promises as this is not with man. God is not a man as He is ever faithful against man whose faithfulness does not endure forever. God is not a man as He is reliable and dependable at all times as against man who could disappoint at any time. God is not man hence He sees what man could not see, He hears what man could not hear, He solves problems that are difficult for man to solve. God is not a man as He speaks the truth at all time without fear or favour while man may entertain fear to speak the truth at some time or to some people. God is not a man hence He cannot put you to shame as man could do. God is not a man hence there is no unrighteousness in Him as you could find in man. Man could tell lies against you, he could plot evil against you, he could wish you bad but God would not do any of such against you because God is not a man.

The essence of all these things is that we should not treat God or place God in the position of man in our lives. God is completely different from man. Also, it is an assurance to us that our absolute dependability on God is the best thing that could happen to a believer. The lesson to learn from this is that when you feel disappointed by man, don’t feel disappointed by God because God is not a man. When you feel hated by man, be assured that God does not hate you because He is not a man. When you feel rejected by man God cannot reject you because He is not a man. When you feel cheated by man, be confident that God cannot cheat you because God is not a man. When you feel traumatized by circumstances and situations around you, don’t allow them to overwhelm you because they are creations of men but God will give you victory over them because this God is not a man. God is ever faithful, forever dependable, always gracious and plentiful in mercy, all powerful, all knowing, great provider and the light that overcomes every darkness because He is not a man that harbours the reverse of these.

Brethren, I urge you to stick to this God, connect to Him personally and deeply, strengthen your faith in Him, depend on Him absolutely, be prayerful, cultivate and live a continuous life of holiness, be heaven focused and you will experience God’s goodness in the way man can neither do nor explain. The grace of God will be your sustenance always in Jesus name. Amen. Happy new month

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Written by : Paul Omoyefa

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