Beloved, do you know that the Love of Jesus Christ towards mankind cannot be estimated because it is broad and available to everyone?

Jesus Christ came to save, not to condemn mankind! We could prove our statement right from the lesson in John 8:3-11 where a woman was caught in the very act of adultery and people condemned her and were ready to put her to death. The people brought her to Jesus to see what he would do. Jesus Christ rescued her and asked her to go home and sin no more.

If you are in a similar situation like the woman caught in adultery or any other kind of sin capable of stirring condemnation from people or your heart and leading to a state of despondency, Jesus Christ is not condemning you, rather He is saying “I am here to rescue you so you can be free to go home to your rightful state of wholeness and sin no more” (John 8:11).

The power to sin no more is given to mankind from Jesus Christ alone and without hearkening to His call for your help, the state of condemnation may never end. Irrespective of your present situation, the reassuring good news is that the hands of Jesus Christ are wide open to accept you if you reach out to Him for salvation as was the case with the woman.

Take that bold step today to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Savior praying the following guiding words genuinely from your heart… “Lord Jesus, I run to you today for help and safety. I repent of all my sins and I ask for your forgiveness and mercies that will end condemnation in my life. Wash me with your precious Blood and please come into my heart and give me power to sin no more, make me completely yours and restore me to full fellowship with you in Jesus Name, Amen.” Welcome to the family of God!

We encourage you to attend any Bible-believing and Holy Spirit-filled church near you to study the Word of God and grow in Faith or connect with us via the under listed details. God bless and keep you pure till He returns in Jesus Name, Amen!

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Written by : Evangelism Team

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