Welcome to the month of April, the first day being the first day of the week, the first day of the month and the first day of a new quarter. This is not accidental but designed by God for multiplication of abundant blessings for you and your household. This will come to pass in Jesus name. Also, it is not coincidental that the first day of the month commemorates the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ, which signifies victory over the power of death and grave. It also connotes an irreversible end to our concerns and challenges when the bible recorded it that on the day of resurrection “And, behold, there was a great earthquake: for the angel of the Lord descended from heaven, and came and rolled back the stone from the door, and sat upon it” (Mathew 28:2). This is a mark of finality upon unnecessary troubles, sorrows, fears, worries and concerns which, at the same time, heralds the peace that can only be given by God. Hence our theme for this month is PERFECT PEACE. Jesus Christ is the prince of Peace and He rules in the affairs of men therefore He is the only source of perfect peace. The bible says “Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Trust ye in the Lord for ever: for in the Lord Jehovah is everlasting strength” (Isaiah 26:3-4). When we talk of perfect peace we talk of peace within. So if what gives you peace is external to you the peace cannot be perfect. Perfect peace is something that is pure and undiluted. That is why the Hebrew word for peace, shalom goes beyond the ordinary meaning of absence of war to mean blessings of wholeness, quietness of soul, preservation and completeness. Isaiah 26:3 explains two paths that lead to perfect peace. The first has to be taken by man, which is to keep your mind stayed on God and trust Him completely. The second path is complementary to the other as God will then keep you in perfect peace. The important question, at this juncture, is how does your mind stay on God? First, you need to constantly dwell on the love of God. Second, you need to always seek the will of God and third, you need to live for the glory of God. The good part of these requirements is that you can do all of them even in the face of trails hence perfect peace does not mean the absence of trials but how your mind continuously stay on God. Most people in the world today are not enjoying perfect peace because they seek peace in wrong places. Some people have their mind stayed on their jobs, some on their on academic qualifications and expertise, some on their money, some on their homes, some on their career, some on their future, some on their health, some on whom they know in the society and some on their ministry. All these things are good but on their own they cannot give you perfect peace. The best they can offer is transient or temporary peace. Hence the good advice by the bible that your mind should only stay on God who alone will get involved in all areas of your life and give you perfect peace in all without exception. I decree into your life that the second quarter of this will be better than the first quarter, you will enjoy the perfect peace of God, sorrows and pains will come to an end in your life, just as Jesus Christ conquer death, you will conquer fear, disease, unemployment, failures, bareness and unproductive life in Jesus name. The peace of God that surpasses all human understanding will be continuously be your portion in Jesus name. Happy new month.
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Written by : Paul Omoyefa
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