God created man and woman in His own image and had very good plans to fellowship with them on a daily basis. Genesis 3:8 talks about God coming to visit Adam and Eve in the cool of the day. This beautiful plan was interrupted when the serpent (Satan) deceived them to disobey God and caused them to lose fellowship with God (Genesis 3:1-19).
Since God is Love and it is not His will that anyone should perish but that everyone is saved, He decided to restore the lost relationship with mankind by sending His sinless Son, Jesus Christ, to the earth to die on the Cross in exchange of the punishment that mankind deserved for their sins, thereby delivering them from eternal damnation in hell (John 3:14-19).
Today, all that is required of you is to believe that Jesus Christ gave His life in exchange for the punishment of your sins, accept Him into your life as your LORD and personal Saviour, and have your sins washed away by His Blood shed on the Cross for your reconciliation to God (Romans 5:10, 2 Corinthians 5:17-21).
Please make that salvation decision today and call on God with the following prayer guide… “Lord Jesus, I thank You for dying on the Cross for my sins. I repent of all my sins and I ask for your forgiveness and mercies that will deliver me from eternal damnation in hell. Please come into my heart right away, make me completely yours and restore me to full fellowship with you in Jesus Name, Amen.”
Welcome to the family of God! Please attend any Bible-believing and Holy Spirit-filled church near you to study the Word of God and grow in Faith or connect with us via details below. God bless and keep you in the path of life forever in Jesus Name, Amen!
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Written by : Evangelism Team
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