The world can never satisfy the deepest desires of your soul no matter the available material possession at your disposal. Your present situation may even seem tough and unbearable, and may further compound the challenge of finding satisfaction for the longing of your soul. In addition, it may seem as if there is a veil of limitation hanging over you and making life more and more complicated. Should you end your life because indeed you have done all there is and nothing seems to be working out?
2 Corinthians 3:16 provides the answer thus, “Nevertheless when it shall turn to the Lord, the veil shall be taken away”. Jesus Christ is the only one who can satisfy the longing of your soul. When you turn to Him, He will break the yoke off your neck, take away the veil of limitation and grant you Grace for victories in life (Isaiah 10:27, 2 Corinthians 3:16-18, 2 Corinthians 12:9).
Grace is the ability of God in a person’s life and when you accept Jesus Christ as your LORD and Saviour, He makes His Grace sufficient in you to overcome your weaknesses. What are your weaknesses? Have you been weighed down due to a no-job situation? Is a medical diagnosis a reason to loose hope in life? Are insults, hardship or persecutions the victorious ones in your life right now?
The LORD Jesus Christ is calling on you to receive His sufficient Grace for undeniable victories in life. Once you accept Him into your life, His manifest Grace and Presence to overcome the devil will avail, and He will give you rest from struggles, weariness and sins (Matthew 11:28).
Accept Jesus Christ today and be empowered by His Grace for unlimited success in life. Pray these words from your heart… “Lord Jesus, thank you for dying on the cross to save me from the punishment of my sins. I repent of all my sins and I ask for forgivenness. I accept you as my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my life and fill my heart with your Grace, Peace and Joy in Jesus Name, Amen”.
Welcome to God’s family. Please attend a Bible-believing and Holy Spirit-filled Church near you to fellowship and grow in Faith. You can also connect with us at the details below. God bless and grant you Grace for victories in life in Jesus Name, Amen!
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Written by : Evangelism Team
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