May the grace of God abound unto you always. I am extremely happy to welcome you to the month of February, the second month of this year. I am quite excited and expectant for what God is set to do in our lives this month. This year is just one month old and it has birthed unto us many great testimonies and miraculous experiences. What seemed impossible was made possible by God. We enjoyed unlimited provision and protection. Good news has been flying into our direction from all angles. God never withdrew His mercy from us while enjoy peace and rest on all sides. This is the lord’s doing and it is marvellous in our sight.
The theme for this month is SUPERNATURAL and our anchor scripture is Mark 16:17-18 “And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues. They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover”. God is great and loving. If you spiritually discern these scriptures, you will realize that a natural man cannot do all the things mentioned therein. They go beyond the ordinary and it is purely supernatural. So, if God has declared this month as supernatural for us, it is a great favour that could only come from a loving father. This has many good implications.
“And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues. They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover” – Mark 16:17-18.
- First, it means the supernatural nature of God will be brought upon us. When this happens, we become untouchable for the power of darkness, we become unstoppable for any natural man and we are irretrievably connected to the spirit of God.
- Second, we also put on the nature of God and begin to operate and manifest supernaturally. The implications of this are that we begin to enjoy supernatural blessings, demonstrate supernatural power, think supernatural, and manifest in supernatural. Meanwhile, you must be conscious of the fact that if you want to experience supernatural you must live and walk in supernatural. How do you do this? First, by cultivating and sustaining a life devoid of sins even what some people regard as little sins. Remember that sin is sin with God as there is no small and big sin. Second, you must always be spiritually alert and sensitive. The moment you are walking and living in the supernatural, devil takes note of you and will always seek a way of drawing you away from the way of the Lord.
- Third, you must always have total trust and confidence in God. Remember that you cannot use logic or philosophy to walk in the supernatural but over-dependence on the almighty God.
Perhaps, you have not given your life to Jesus Christ as your lord and personal saviour, you need to do that immediately. You cannot connect to the spiritual if you are not spiritual because deep calls unto deep. Please, do not joke with your prayer life as well as regular and intentional studying of the word of God. Be rest assured that the natural cannot match nor stop the supernatural hence no one, no power and no circumstance will be able to stop you this month in Jesus name.
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Written by : Paul Omoyefa
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