Today is the New Year thanksgiving Sunday in RCCG mission worldwide Today is the beginning of a new day, the beginning of a new week, the first Sunday of the new month, the first Sunday of a new year, and the beginning of new things in our lives. The new always replaces the old with new agenda, and as God opens a new chapter in our lives today, may He causes all the old things to give way to a new experience of God in a new way in our lives in Jesus name.

Once more, welcome to the year 2016, a year that will give you joy unspeakable each day of the year in Jesus name. The theme for this month and the watchword for us in RCCG Mount Zion parish this year is that “THE COUNSEL OF THE LORD SHALL STAND” as we enter the year of HIS FULLNESS. The bible says “There are many plans in a man’s heart; nevertheless the counsel of the LORD, that shall stand” (Proverbs 19:21. This is also corroborated by Psalm 33:11 which says “The counsel of the LORD stands forever, the thoughts of his heart to all generations”. This has several implications. First is that we should hand over all our plans for this year completely over unto Him because only his plan and counsel shall stand. Second, it means God’s purpose and plans for your life shall stand irrespective of opposition and counter plans of devil and its agents. Third, God is also reminding us of His omnipotence and sovereignty. Bible says of God as “declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times the things that are not yet done, saying, My counsel shall stand, and I will do all my pleasure” (Isaiah 46:10).

Throughout this year let the refrain constantly be on our mouth, lives within us and activate in all areas of our lives that “the counsel of the lord shall stand”. When you are filled with the joy of the Lord to the brim and all lines are truly falling into pleasant places, remember to acknowledge that the counsel of the lord will surely stand concerning you. When any circumstances are threatening your life and career, tell them that the counsel of the lord shall stand. When your academic and professional lives are being threatened, tell them the counsel of the lord shall stand. When your health appears to be failing and your finances are not measuring up to expectation, tell them that the counsel of the lord shall stand. When unbelievers are not yielding to your persistent call to salvation, tell the situation that the counsel of the lord shall stand. Above all, you need the help of God in all ramifications to key into His counsel and follow it especially when the counsel does not make sense to you. We are saying this knowing fully well that the counsel of the lord is good and full of blessings. You will definitely enjoy the fullness of God in all ramifications in this year of His fullness with floodgates of heaven fully wide open in the precious name of Jesus.

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Written by : Paul Omoyefa

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