Many challenges in the world today emanate from darkness and confusion, and God wants you to shine as light and be the solution to these challenges. The truth is that you cannot proffer a solution of eternal value if you do not shine forth as light.
The great question you are probably asking is, “how do I shine forth as light to become a solution to the needs of the people around me and the world at large?” You asked a valid question because it is true that you cannot give what you do not have! The first step towards becoming a light in this world is to be connected to the Source of Power (Jesus Christ) who generates true illumination.
John 1:4 says, “In him (Jesus Christ) was life; and the life was the light of men”. Jesus Christ has to transfer His life to you to enable you shine forth. 1John 5:11-12 affirms that accepting and having Jesus Christ in your life guarantees eternal life, and this is the only way to shine forth and proffer solutions of eternal value in your world.
If you refuse Him, you continue to live wrong, in darkness and confusion, and two wrongs can’t make a right neither can two confusions bring clarity. Now that you know who makes life right, brings illumination and clarity, you should accept Him into your life as your LORD and personal Saviour and begin to shine forth as light to your world in response to their earnest expectation of your manifestation (Romans 8:19). You can’t afford to delay any further but accept Jesus Christ right away to begin to shine forth!
Please say this prayer genuinely from your heart and believe… “Lord Jesus, thank you for coming to me with your life today, I accept you as my Lord and Saviour, please forgive my sins, wash me in your blood, deliver me from darkness and confusion, give me your life and light and help me to shine forth as a solution of eternal value in Jesus Name, Amen”.
If you said the prayer, we rejoice with you! Please attend any Bible believing and Holy Spirit filled church near you to get rooted in the light of the Word of God so you can shine forth forever. God bless you!
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Written by : Evangelism Team
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