Do you know that Jesus Christ is the only One who can help you lift off the heavy burdens you have been carrying?

You may have fallen into deep valleys, gone through pains, sorrows, struggled to stop bad habits, carried both spiritual and physical burdens, sought help but found none. Nevertheless, just like the man at the pool of Bethesda who met Jesus Christ after 38 years and was instantly made whole, worry no more for that same Jesus Christ is right there with you to help lift those burdens off you and give you rest (John 5:1-15, Matthew 11:28-30).

All you need to do is accept Jesus Christ into your life today and be assured of the rest that you long desired… Say this prayer genuinely from your heart… “Lord Jesus, I call on You today for help, I accept You into my heart as my Lord and Saviour, please forgive my sins, wash me in Your Blood, help lift burdens off me and grant me rest from the struggles of life by the Power of your Holy Spirit in Jesus Name, Amen”.

Congratulations – your rest starts now! Please attend any Bible-believing and Holy Spirit-filled church near you to learn the righteous ways of Jesus Christ and be deeply rooted in His Word to sustain your rest. Feel free to connect with us on the details below as well. God bless you!

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Written by : Evangelism Team

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