I welcome you to the glorious month of June, the sixth month, which marks the end of the second quarter of the year. Without any doubt, our God remains faithful and merciful forever. As devil tries in many ways to hold the church and the gospel of Christ down, the God with infinite power, wisdom and understanding continues to put the devil in a powerless position in our lives and the church of God. Where we were expected to experience casting down, it was flourishing instead. Where Satan wanted scarcity to be our portion, God replaced it with abundance of His blessings. Where failure wanted to stare us in the face, our gracious God replaced it with good and outstanding success. Where sickness was roaring towards us like a lion, God’s healing balm of Gilead dismissed it. Where the devil was clinging to our mistakes as legal grounds for condemned judgment divine mercy of God showed up instead. Where we were to experience stagnancy and rejection, God replaced them with meaningful progress and acceptance. This God is never tired or weary as He never sleeps nor slumber hence He has given us a theme of TOTAL FREEDOM this month. Our anchor scripture for the month is “If the Son, therefore, shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed” (John 8:36).
When God talks about total freedom He means it. It is a comforting experience to experience freedom and it is much more awesome to have total freedom. When God talks about total freedom, He means freedom that is not diluted with some bondage. It is a freedom that is not occasional or seasonal but permanent. It is a freedom that cannot be reversed. It is a freedom that no man can give except God. It is a freedom that is not dependent on whether anybody likes you or not. It does not depend on wealth, property acquisition, big position in the society, celebrity status, political power or a large amount of money in your bank account. It is a freedom that has its fountain from Jesus Christ and gives you permanent inner peace. It is a freedom that drives you towards God at all times. It gives enough grace to live a sanctified life. It makes a life of holiness, purity and righteousness of God easy for you to live. It makes it easy to live a life of love towards all human beings irrespective of their dispositions to you. It is on this ground that our anchor scripture says if the son of man (Jesus Christ) shall make you free, you shall be free indeed as no power can hold you down.
The important question here is how close are you to Jesus Christ and his power to set you free? Have you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal saviour? Are you intentional in your relationship with Jesus Christ? I beseech you this day, brethren, to take your relationship with Jesus Christ serious. I want to tell you emphatically that every other thing depends on this. Give your life to Christ if you have not done so and if you are a true child of God please maintain your status with Him. Do not allow things in the world to deprive you of your genuine peaceful relationship with God.
Total freedom involves a 4-way test of your mind, spirit, soul and body being free. It is only when these 4 are free from any encumbrances that you can have total freedom. This can only be found in Christ. As you step into this new month, I declare and decree total freedom anchored on Jesus Christ into every area of your life in Jesus’ name. You are truly a blessing.
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Written by : Paul Omoyefa
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