The world is full of fear and confusion, things and men are rapidly changing, situations negatively evolving and challenges of life on the increase. Despite the challenging and changing nature of things and humans, there is a personality who has answers to all of life’s challenges and who will never change; the Almighty God. God has always been and will always be when everything we see today will be no more (Hebrew 13:8, Hebrews 1:10-12). Many benefits accrue to those who worship the Unchangeable, Reliable, Loving, Merciful, Gracious, Wise, and only True God.

If you are among those who wonder why you should worship God or question the existence of God, it could be that things are seemingly going on well and you feel your strength got you where you are, or perhaps things are not so well and you have wondered why God has not intervened if He exists. Irrespective of the side of the divide you find yourself, know that God visits you every morning, else you would not be alive today (Job 7:18). If you feel you do not need God, know that without Him you can do nothing and that all you achieved was enabled by Him (John 15:5). If you are down-cast, be hopeful because “a living dog is better than a dead lion” (Ecclesiastes 9:4). Know also that there is time for everything under heaven and your time of liberty and joy starts as you worship God for all the benefits you have received.

Many worshiped God and saw their chains broken. Just like Paul and Silas prayed and sang songs of worship in the prison (Acts 16:24-26), your seemingly adverse situation can be turned around for good if you acknowledge the sovereignty of God and make up your mind to accept Jesus Christ into your life to secure a future of peace, solutions and victories. Don’t let the devil steal this moment of turnaround from you. Pray this prayer genuinely from your heart and experience the supernatural move of God in your life for your good…“Lord Jesus, thank you for all the benefits I have received from you, I accept you into my heart as my Lord and Saviour, please forgive my sins, wash me in your blood, turnaround my situation for good and grant me grace to fulfill purpose by worshiping You and gaining many more benefits in life in Jesus Name, Amen”.

Praise God! We celebrate your victory from this day forward! Please attend any Bible-believing and Holy Spirit-filled church near you to be deeply rooted in the Word of God and experience undeniable victories in Jesus Name, Amen. God bless you!

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Written by : Evangelism Team

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