Just as there is hope for a tree that is cut down with old waxed root and dead stock in the ground sprouting again at the scent of water, it is certain that you can sprout again (Job 14:7-9).
Water is the essential commodity required for the growth of any cut-down and dead tree. Similarly, if you are experiencing terrible challenges, battling with life-long problems, and you feel weary, depressed, and about to give up – do not! Be assured that the Spiritual Water of Life (Jesus Christ – John 7:37, Psalm 36:9) can make you sprout again.
Jesus Christ has the Power to make you come back to life and be fully restored just as water does to the cut-down and dead tree. All you need to do right now is invite Jesus Christ into your life and those situations and watch the storms calm in your favour (Mark 4:39).
Jesus Christ has a track record all through Scriptures of effecting restoration and now is your time to “sprout” again. Please say this prayer genuinely from your heart as you invite Him to act on your behalf… “Lord Jesus, I accept You today into my heart as my Lord and Saviour, please forgive my sins, wash me in Your Blood, restore me, give me victory over all challenges of life, and cause me to “sprout” again by the Power of your Holy Spirit in Jesus Name, Amen”.
Congratulations on your restoration! Please attend any Bible-believing and Holy Spirit-filled Church near you to learn of the Lord Jesus Christ and His saving Power and be deeply rooted in Him. Feel free to connect with us on the details below as well. God bless you!
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Written by : Evangelism Team
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