Divine Restoration

Divine Restoration

May the grace of God abound unto you always. Welcome to the month of November, which God has graciously declared unto us in Mount Zion parish as the month of DIVINE RESTORATION. When the siege is over, whatever that might have been lost during the period of siege must be divinely recovered and restored. Hence God’s promise “And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpiller, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you” (Joel 2:25). Restoration has various dimensions, namely, physical, spiritual, material and the likes. For instance, Nebucadnezer was restored to his former exalted position after some years in the wilderness. David was also restored to his throne after some turbulent period. The man with withered hand had his hands restored. The leper was restored without any trace of leprosy. Abundance was restored to Israel without any trace of want within 24 hours (2 Kings 7:1).  Fruitfulness and life were restored to the body of Sarah as well as Hannah. The sight of the blind Bartimaeus and the man born blind was restored. The lost glory of Mephiboshet was restored. The fortunes of Job were restored. And the LORD restored the fortunes of Job, when he prayed for his friends: also the LORD gave Job twice as much as he had before.” (Job 42:10). This is a great, complete and wholesome restoration from God. After this divine restoration, things began to change in the life of Job. He began to eat in plenty i.e. abundance on every side, he began to have genuine satisfaction, his life was full of praise to God, and he was never ashamed anymore (Joel 2:26). This is our portion now and forevermore, and you are restored beyond any loss in Jesus name. Amen.  Restoration is a promise from God. This is reassuring because when God makes a promise He fulfills it no matter the situation or circumstance. So, be rest assured of your divine restoration this month in Jesus name. Not only is your restoration assured but it also brings greater things that you might have lost in the past. This is confirmed by God himself when He says For bronze I will bring gold, and for iron, I will bring silver, and for wood bronze, and for stones iron: I will also make your officers peace, and your rulers righteousness” (Isaiah 60:17). Cling to this promise, demonstrate it and it is yours in Jesus name. In all these, the greatest restoration is restoration to the right path to heaven, if we have deviated by any act of omission or commission.  Is your joy of salvation lost, it will be restored (Psalm 51:12). Is there any way your soul has been ravaged by sickness, waste, unemployment, failure, disappointment, poverty, wants and the likes, the almighty God will restore your soul this month and beyond in Jesus name. The promise of God is sure, unshaking and abiding. As God promises RESTORATION to us on all fronts individually and as a church, so shall it be in Jesus name. Let’s open up unto God, fire up our trust in Him more than before and let’s re-dedicate ourselves to Him. Certainly, this is our season of RESTORATION in Jesus name.


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