Prayer day: Let’s pray for people who need help

Humans are creative beings. This text will not appear in a consistent order. Your design looks awesome by the way. After Hours Programming created this application. Default text creates the illusion of real text. People tend to read writing. Humans are creative beings. Default text creates the illusion of real text. The standard default text is designed to ramble about nothing. JavaScript has the awesome power to manipulate DOM elements on the fly. Humans are creative beings. Using default text is a simple way to create the appearance of content without having to create it. If it is not real text, they will focus on the design. The standard default text is designed to ramble about nothing. The standard default text is designed to ramble about nothing. Thank you for using this application. Thank you for using this application. Thank you for using this application.

Worship team auditions

Humans are creative beings. This text will not appear in a consistent order. Your design looks awesome by the way. After Hours Programming created this application. Default text creates the illusion of real text. People tend to read writing. Humans are creative beings. Default text creates the illusion of real text. The standard default text is designed to ramble about nothing. JavaScript has the awesome power to manipulate DOM elements on the fly. Humans are creative beings. Using default text is a simple way to create the appearance of content without having to create it. If it is not real text, they will focus on the design. The standard default text is designed to ramble about nothing. The standard default text is designed to ramble about nothing. Thank you for using this application. Thank you for using this application. Thank you for using this application.

Intern experience day

Humans are creative beings. This text will not appear in a consistent order. Your design looks awesome by the way. After Hours Programming created this application. Default text creates the illusion of real text. People tend to read writing. Humans are creative beings. Default text creates the illusion of real text. The standard default text is designed to ramble about nothing. JavaScript has the awesome power to manipulate DOM elements on the fly. Humans are creative beings. Using default text is a simple way to create the appearance of content without having to create it. If it is not real text, they will focus on the design. The standard default text is designed to ramble about nothing. The standard default text is designed to ramble about nothing. Thank you for using this application. Thank you for using this application. Thank you for using this application.

Special Easter Sunday Service

Church Auditorium 1171 Broder St, REGINA, SK, Canada

Theme: The Power of His Resurrection (Philippians 3:10)

Parish Vigil

Church Auditorium 1171 Broder St, REGINA, SK, Canada

Guest Minister

Church Auditorium 1171 Broder St, REGINA, SK, Canada

Youth Retreat

Caronport 510 College Dr Caronport. SK, REGINA, SK, Canada

Theme: There is a time for everything - Eccl 3:1 Featuring: - Time management - Knowing your purpose and the of God - Finace management (Building your saving) - Premarital sex/Courtship/Relationship/Marriage


Divine Empowerment Programme

Church Auditorium 1171 Broder St, REGINA, SK, Canada

Theme: "I Will Help You" (Isaiah 41:13) Guest Minister: Pastor O J Kuye, RCCG House on the Rock, Texas United States


Church Auditorium 1171 Broder St, REGINA, SK, Canada

  Men's weekend program highlight: June 17 (Prayer: 6pm - 7pm) June 18 (Teaching: 6pm - 7:30pm) - Games after teaching at the games centre. June 19 (Thanksgiving Service) Refreshments will be served after service.